Transcending Borders: International Philosophy Seminar of the Americas (IPSA): 9no encuentro

Les invitamos a participar del noveno encuentro del seminario web Transcending Borders: International Philosophy Seminar of the Americas, el próximo viernes 1ro de marzo a las 14 horas (Argentina/UTC -3). La charla estará a cargo de Enzo Nicolás Yovino Rué (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) bajo el título “Artistic rationality and understanding”

Abstract: In this presentation, I will argue that artworks, under certain conditions, can function as communicative actions (Habermas, 1985; Wellmer, 1985/1991; Rochlitz, 1998). I will begin by providing a brief explanation of communicative action and why the relationship between a work and its audience is sometimes mediated by a communicative mechanism. This implies that the enunciation of an artwork always carries an illocutionary mark. I will then explore the nature of this illocutionary component and its critical significance.

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